Does Zinc Help Hair Growth?

Beautiful hair is regarded by many as a sign of good health. While that might be the case, it goes beyond that. Like every other part of the body needs nutrients, the hair needs different nutrients to grow and be healthy. While age, genetics, and hormones all have an impact on hair growth and development, a healthy diet is essential.

The best source of the vitamins required for hair growth is food or supplements. Hair loss occurs as a result of vitamin deficiency, as well as the general deterioration of health. A stressed lifestyle, on the other hand, gives little time for a well-balanced diet. One of the vitamins beneficial to hair growth is Zinc.

The Role of Zinc in the Body

Zinc is one of the essential vitamins for hair growth since it helps to stimulate the body's immune system. Many dietitians advocate zinc supplements to help with hair growth and development. You may experience abnormal hair shedding owing to weakening hair shafts if you don't get enough of it.

Zinc is also essential for growing and repairing hair tissues, as well as ensuring that the oil glands around the follicles function properly. It works in conjunction with biotin, another essential vitamin for hair development. Keratin is a source of protein found in the hair shaft, the skin, and the nails, and Zinc is required for the body to generate keratin. Even a minor deficit can cause dryness, slow regrowth, and breakage in your hair.

Zinc is important for cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair, hormone balance, vitamin absorption, and protein synthesis. Hair growth necessitates all of these biological functions.

How is Zinc Good for Hair Growth?

Some experts believe that zinc shortage can cause deterioration of the protein structure that makes up the hair follicle. Therefore, hair shedding and hair loss can result from the weakening of follicles.

Even if you don't have an acute hair loss disease or a severe zinc shortage, a lack of Zinc in your system might be harmful to your hair for an extended period of time.

Zinc is also thought to be important in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. This is necessary for regular hair follicle cell division, which leads to healthy hair growth and development.

Zinc may also assist in balancing hormone levels, which may be one of the reasons for its effectiveness in preventing hair loss. According to a few studies, people's aged hair was restored to its former color when nourished with diets rich in Zinc or with the use of zinc hair growth supplements.

Zinc Dosage for Hair Growth

A zinc supplement can help those who have a zinc deficit and are experiencing hair loss. The recommended daily dose is 11 milligrams. Hair can be protected by taking 50 to 60 milligrams of zinc gluconate twice a day for two weeks.

Hair loss can be caused by too much Zinc, and taking a high dose for more than three weeks can have detrimental effects on your hair growth. Other essential nutrients, such as copper, iron, and magnesium, which are also necessary for healthy hair, cannot be absorbed if your body has too much Zinc.

Final Thoughts

While too little Zinc can lead to hair loss, too much Zinc can have the same effect. As a result, it's essential to balance these vitamins for hair loss by checking the proper Zinc dosage with your doctor.

There is no doubt that Zinc is necessary for hair growth; so, you need to establish the right balance to avoid hair loss. The good news is that hair loss caused by Zinc deficiency can be reversed with Zinc supplementation, and hair shafts can even become stronger and thicker.