How To Detangle Curly Hair: Tips For Natural Curly Hair

Are you tired of battling with tangles every time you wash or style your curly hair? You're not alone! Women with naturally curly hair, especially those with Type 3 curls, often struggle with curly tangled hair. In this post, we'll share some of the best practices for detangling curly hair, with a focus on Type 3 curls, to help you achieve smoother, more manageable hair.
Why is my curly hair so tangled?
Curly hair is more prone to tangling because of its texture and structure. Curly hair is naturally drier than straight hair, which makes it more susceptible to knots and tangles. Additionally, the natural curl pattern of tangled curly hair can cause strands to wrap around each other, leading to more tangles and knots.
Are you supposed to detangle curly hair?
Yes, it's important to detangle curly hair regularly to prevent knots and tangles from becoming worse over time. However, it's important to use the right tools and techniques to avoid damaging your hair. Using hair detangling tools like a wide-tooth comb or detangling brush can be helpful, as can using a leave-in conditioner for curly hair to soften and moisturize your hair.
How do you detangle curly hair without ruining curls?
One way to detangle curly hair without losing curls is to use a gentle, downward motion to work out tangles. Dividing your curly hair into sections and working from the bottom of each section up can also help prevent breakage and tangling. Additionally, using wet detangling curly hair techniques can help soften your hair and make it easier to work with.
Steps on How do you detangle curly hair naturally?
Start with wet hair:
Wet hair is easier to detangle than dry hair, so it's best to detangle curly hair when it's wet. You can wet your hair by washing it with a gentle shampoo or simply wetting it in the shower or with a spray bottle.
Apply a leave-in conditioner:
Applying a leave-in conditioner or detangling spray can help soften and moisturize your hair, making it easier to detangle. You can use your fingers to distribute the conditioner or spray throughout your hair, focusing on the areas that are most tangled.
Divide your hair into sections:
Dividing your hair into smaller sections can make the detangling process more manageable. Use clips or hair ties to keep each section separate.
Start at the ends:
Start detangling at the ends of your hair, working your way up to the roots. This will help prevent breakage and minimize the amount of tugging and pulling on your hair.
Use your fingers:
Instead of using a comb or brush, try using your fingers to detangle your hair. This can be gentler on your hair and help you feel where the tangles are.
Work in small sections:
Work on one small section at a time, gently pulling apart any knots or tangles with your fingers. Take your time and be patient, as rushing through the process can lead to more tangles and breakage.
Rinse with cool water:
Once you've detangled all of the sections of your hair, rinse your hair with cool water. This can help seal your hair's cuticles and reduce frizz.
Style as desired:
Once your hair is detangled, you can style it as desired. If you're air-drying your hair, avoid touching it as much as possible to prevent new tangles from forming.
By following these steps, you can detangle your curly hair naturally and with minimal damage or breakage. Remember to be patient and gentle with your hair, and use products and techniques that work best for your specific hair type and texture. -- Are you thinking having a colurful 2023? Check out our Hair Color Ideas for Naturally Curly Hair in 2023