What Causes Hair Thinning in Senior Women?

Women worldwide are constantly bombarded with glossy ads featuring models with thick luscious hair. But what happens when you're aging, and your once healthy locks start to thin? Let’s dive in.

The Aging Process and Hair Thinning
As women age, hormonal changes often lead to hair thinning. In postmenopausal women, lower estrogen levels can cause hair to become thinner or fall out. Menopause is a significant cause of hair thinning in senior women, but it's a natural, not a pathological process.

The Role of Genetics in Hair Thinning 
Peek into your family tree, and you might find that granny’s thinning hair wasn't just old age. Genes play a considerable role in hair thinning, with conditions like androgenetic alopecia being passed down the generations.

Nutritional Deficiencies 
Ever heard the saying "you are what you eat"? It holds for your hair too. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly of protein, iron, vitamin D, and biotin, can lead to hair thinning. Senior women often experience dietary changes that could result in insufficient nutrient intake, affecting their hair health.

Myth vs Truth
Myth: Only men experience hair thinning.
Truth: Hair thinning affects both genders.

Myth: Frequent washing causes hair thinning.
Truth: While over-shampooing can lead to breakage, it doesn't cause hair to thin.

Myth: Hair thinning is irreversible.
Truth: Many reasons for hair thinning, including nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances, can be addressed with treatments or lifestyle changes.

Final Thoughts
Hair thinning in senior women is more common than we often admit. Whether due to aging, genetics, or nutrition, shedding is a real and sometimes distressing matter. The first step to overcoming it is acknowledging the problem, understanding its causes, figuring out the myths, and adopting positive hair care practices. Check out below about our Follicle Enhancer, it can help with hair thinning.